Criminal law of public affairs

Droit pénal des affaires publiques

A firm attentive to the public world and constantly adapting to developments in criminal law in public affairs


Who said that a public lawyer could not do criminal law? For many years now, criminal litigation in public affairs has been developing, requiring both technical expertise in public law and a good knowledge of the intricacies of criminal procedure. With its teams, CARNOT AVOCAT is able to offer highly responsive and quality support in the field of public affairs criminal law.

A firm with an extensive field of intervention in matters of criminal law in public affairs.

CARNOT AVOCATS acts for public officials, elected officials, public authorities when they are victims or implicated by the prosecution authorities, in particular for offenses related to the public sphere.
The criminal law of public affairs is, however, broader than one might think. This has led the CARNOT AVOCATS firm to complete the range of its skills as criminal policy evolves.

To the classic offenses for which public officials, elected officials or communities are required to appear as victims or perpetrators before the Criminal Court or the Court of Assizes, more technical offenses are added which require in-depth knowledge of public law: in particular in finance and public accounting.

Under traditional criminal litigation for which public officials, elected officials or communities can be cited as victims or as perpetrators before the Criminal Court or the Court of Assizes, cases are handled based on the following facts: homicide or intentional injury or involuntary, violence, contempt, death threats or deterioration of public property.
Within this framework of functional protection, CARNOT AVOCATS offers its clients appropriate support in order to prepare them for the always specific environment of the criminal courts in order to best defend their interests during hearings.

The firm CARNOT AVOCATS still frequently intervenes in the criminal law of public affairs with then a great legal technicality: its combined expertise in criminal law and public law allows it to fully understand the issues of the case entrusted.Criminal town planning law, Press law (defamation, public insult), Environmental damage, embezzlement of public funds, fraud or illegal taking of interest come under this special criminal law specific to the public world.


Support adapted to the stakes of the case and the human impact specific to repressive procedures


Naturally, mastering the technicality of a public affairs criminal law case is the “minimum service” required when working in this area, but providing support adapted to the client and the issues at stake in the case is just as important.

Whether you find yourself before a repressive court as a victim or as a defendant, the moment is always special. It is necessary to prepare for this deadline. CARNOT AVOCATS offers its clients the attention, time and human involvement required.

Our referral lawyers in this area

Jean-Bernard PROUVEZ


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