Trade Law

Droit commercial

Commercial life can be filled with many difficulties, leaving the tradesman or artisan alone and in disarray. These difficulties may require the intervention of an experienced lawyer to respond to the concerns of the merchant or craftsman in order to find the best possible solution.

Within CARNOT AVOCATS, Bruno PERRACHON is responsible for commercial law, which could even be described as commercial life law, including in particular disputes related to difficulties in obtaining payment of invoices issued, or disputes related to the execution of commercial leases.

Obtaining payment for the integrity of a service performed can be difficult. Similarly, being paid in full for goods that have been delivered or for any other commercial services can sometimes be like a real obstacle course.
On the contrary, when the goods or the service do not live up to what was contractually provided for, settling an unscrupulous service provider is not the easiest situation for a merchant or a craftsman either.

The CARNOT AVOCATS firm is there to support the merchant or the craftsman when faced with an unscrupulous interlocutor. To respond to these difficulties, the firm CARNOT AVOCATS regularly intervenes in matters of debt collection with the commercial courts for debts and claims arising from commercial relations. Intervening on the entire spectrum of recovery, that is to say in injunction to pay, in summary proceedings or by a more traditional referral to the merits before the Commercial Court, the firm CARNOT AVOCATS provides daily support for companies both in demand and in defence.

Similarly, CARNOT AVOCAT also intervenes in the same way in terms of contractual liability when the expected service is not performed or only very insufficiently performed.

Finally, commercial leases can be a major source of hassle for merchants and artisans. Here again, CARNOT AVOCATS regularly intervenes with the expertise of Bruno PERRACHON to settle any disputes that may arise during the execution of these leases.
Indeed, the commercial lease is a legal tool that can be complex in its implementation, in its execution or quite simply for its termination. CARNOT AVOCATS regularly intervenes before the Court of Justice, which is competent to hear these disputes.

Because commercial courts almost systematically promote mediation between the parties, CARNOT AVOCATS assists and advises its clients in the context of alternative dispute resolution procedures to avoid wasting time or money for its clients. while ensuring the interest of the client within the framework of the proposed agreement.

Naturally, in addition to litigation, the CARNOT AVOCATS firm is available and often tasked with advising craftsmen and merchants in their commercial relations.

Drafting a contract or signing a contract (for example a franchise contract or a subcontracting contract) can be tricky Here again, the firm CARNOT AVOCATS supports and advises its clients in the context of the drafting or signing of this type of commitment in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises.


In the end, the firm CARNOT AVOCATS accompanies craftsmen and merchants throughout the life of their activity to offer them the best legal certainty while also taking into account the economic imperatives of its clients.

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